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I'm one of those people who needs to have their popcorn perfect, with each piece perfectly coated. However, that is difficult to do with butter without using an unhealthy amount.

Half Pops are a brand of "half-popped" popcorn that are crunchy, flavorful, and don't have any added sugar. If you are looking for a healthy, quick, and crunchy snack, Half Pops are worth a try!

This amazing breakfast and snack food has been becoming popular because it is so healthy and delicious. If you haven't tried it yet, I definitely recommend it!

If you are on a sugar fast, you might be craving something "healthy and sweet" like juice. However, it is actually much better for you to have fresh fruit than juice because as juice is made, many of the fibers and nutrients in fruit stay in the waste products. Also, orange juice is VERY sugary, even though it is natural...

This snack is so healthy and easy to make! The protein in the peanut butter (just be sure to buy it unsweetened) and the antioxidants and fiber in the apples... but don't get me started on the taste!

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